
L&L presents Martin Klaasen’s conference @PLDC, Copenhagen


How the LED cowboys and tzars have complicated the profession of lighting design

Friday, 1st November 2013,
h 16:45
PLDC Professional Lighting Design Convention
Bella Center, Center Boulevard 5, Copenhagen

“This conference promises to summarise everything you always wanted to know about the unscrupulous behaviour of LED sales people and the arrogance of high horse LED producers and how this has impacted the way we deliver our lighting design services. As we progress our profession of lighting designer to a more and more internationally accepted professional level we are faced with unexpected challenges from LED sales people (cowboys) and LED manufacturers (tzars)." MK

Book signing will follow.

Martin Klaasen is an award-winning lighting designer, design consultant, lecturer and resource speaker with more than 30 years of experience in the lighting industry. Martin is the owner of Klaasen Lighting Design (KLD) with offices in Perth, Jakarta, Singapore, Shanghai and Dehli. He writes for different journals and for the last few years his daily “Light Talk” blog has been featured on the Professional Lighting Designers magazine’s website.