
L&L @ PLDC 2017 - Tapio Rosenius' conference


L&L is pleased to present Tapio Rosenius’ conference at PLDC 2017 (Professional Lighting Design Convention)

Tapio Rosenius will explore Lighting Design as an “open ended” profession existing at the creative edge of built environment consultancy services. The talk will include observations and case studies tracking the development of his own architectural lighting design practice, which now incorporates spin-offs for digital content and software development, virtual reality services, strategic design services, and a new technology start-up.

Tapio Rosenius is a Finnish designer, innovator, artist and an entrepreneur. He works with light as a medium for architectural collaborations, digital interventions, product innovation and art. His work seeks to create a tangible connection between artificial light, digital futures, biomimetic and the human experience.
He is the founder of the Lighting Design Collective, a thought-leading international lighting design practice with studios in Madrid, Helsinki and London. He is a pioneer in the use of biomimetic lighting control in the built environment and continues to develop systems, masterplans, visions and technologies related to this field.
In 2014, he co-created the “Think-in-a-Tank” lighting research programme, which takes place on a yearly basis during Helsinki Design Week, and is actively involved in EU-wide research programmes and events. 
His work has been recognised in the fields of lighting design, architecture and art, including the Media Architecture Biennale Award and the IALD Award of Excellence.

The future is for antidisciplinary designers

Friday, 3rd November 2017, h 10:15